Check your
  • Reason: Law of Universe says "What you focus on more you attract more, What you love and express gratitude you get in multifold."
    So how to focus on breath, how to love our breath, this was already described by our Rishi Munis, And the tool was PRANAYAM & MEDITATION.
    Pranayama - focus on breath.
    Meditation - be with the breath (gratitude).
    When we miss this two things in our life, we struggle for breath, Any thing lost, at any point of time, can be recovered. It may be name, fame, wealth, education.
    But once the breath is lost, than even universe cannot also revert this. Still the time is not lost.
    If you are reading this article, than it's universe message to you, take care of your breath & your family members breath. They are not just precious but no substitute it has !!
    (Courtesy : Lam Kriya Dhyan - Self Healing Meditation)

  • What is meant by consistency:
    Any task done daily fixed time - same task with 💯 dedication is consistency
    For example:
    If you wake up at 5:00 am ...make sure do the same thing at the same time all 365 days
    That means you are consistent
    If you do yoga meditation at 6:00 am to 07:00 am, at the same time all 365 days.
    That means you are consistent.

    What is meant by Discipline??
    Discipline means , once you decide than no any circumstances/ situation.
    For example:
    Once you decide to drop tea / coffee / coldrinks / non veg / junk food
    Than be disciplined not to touch till you are alive..
    But if you cheat your self.. saying cheat day etc..
    You cheat your discipline..
    Once discipline goes away... your will power - self confidence all is lost.

    Discipline & Consistency : Both are interdependent
    The one who is consistent - he will be disciplined
    And one who is disciplined will bound to be consistent
    And vice versa also true :
    Inconsistent person cannot be disciplined and indisciplined person cannot remain consistent..

    The *IMPACT* :
    Inconsistent & indisciplined person will never have his life principle - self ethics - self esteem.
    He will be like a piece of paper floating in air as per wind direction..
    They are not firm decision maker ...easily influenced by others opinion and advise ..
    Their life good or bad thing is decided by others..
    *In short they give their life remote control to others* n keep weeping that world is using them ...cheating them...etc..

    What is spirituality ???
    Is it putting tilak on forehead?
    wearing saffrons robes ?
    keeping long hair ??
    visiting temples often ?
    Talking about bhagwat Gita and vedas ??
    Saying om Shiva namastubhe and offering belpatra with honey on shiv lingam ????

    a. Infinite compassion in heart
    b. Unconditional love
    c. Forgiveness -
    acceptance - patience
    d. Thinking 24x7x365 about society, society and society upliftment n donating / contributing 50% income for the same..
    Doing meditation - chanting - temple darshan - HAS ZERO VALUE if point A to D is missing in your daily life - behaviour - habbit !!
    So if you become disciplined & consistent .... spirituality will start flourishing within you !!
    (Courtesy : From my upcoming book ISHWAR HAI NA !!)