Acknowledgement of our social charity work by Sindhutai Sapkal orphanage centre Pune, January 2024

(English Translation)

(English Translation)
Payal Gaikwad, IT professional, Pune, Dec 2024
Dear Reena Mam,
Wholehearted gratitude towards Garbh sanskar 9 month online session with you ..
Aaradhya is now 1.5 years old, and I still vividly remember the time when my husband, Ameya, and I were struggling to conceive a child.
I initially joined the monastery just for fitness, but little did I know that my life was about to transform.
Gradually, I became mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially stable. Everything started improving—my relationships, personal life, and professional life.
And after seven months of joining the monastery, we received the happiest news: I was pregnant!
This was our first child, and I was aware of the advantages of Garbhasanskar. I wanted someone from the monastery to guide us through it.
I was incredibly fortunate to have Reena Ma’am as my mentor and Guru to bless my child with sanskars even while in the womb.
I am deeply grateful to her for taking time out of her busy schedule to conduct 1 to 1 sessions for me and my baby.
Reena Ma’am conducted meditation sessions, brain development exercises, mantra chanting, and sound healing practices.
We began these sessions in the third month of pregnancy and continued until the ninth month.
As each organ of my child was forming and developing, she received all the positivity and healing energies provided through these sessions.
Every day, as we see Aaradhya grow, we are amazed by her intelligence, the radiant glow on her face, her strength, her speech, her loving nature, her body language, her manners, and so much more.
She learned to speak much earlier than most children her age and speaks clearly, just like we do.
She seems mature beyond her years, as evident through her actions. There are many such traits in her that we’ve observed, and only my husband and I know how deeply impactful these experiences have been.
We firmly believe these are the miracles of Garbhasanskar, and it’s evident that the sessions led by Reena Ma’am have profoundly shaped Aaradhya’s life.
I eagerly look forward to witnessing more such miracles in the future. I am certain that Garbhasanskar will continue to have a long-lasting positive impact on all aspects of Aaradhya’s life.
I will forever be indebted to Reena Ma’am and Sir for transforming our lives and blessing us with the most precious gift of all—our daughter.
Thank you!
Dr. Pawan Kumar Kashyap
Feeling Graceful.
Thank you so much for Your Guidance & Initiation. Very Memorable Moments with Monastery.
Sunita Kohli, UK, Oct 2024
"Hello, I am Sunita kohli and I live in UK. I did Lama Fera in Jan 2023, later I did Lam kirya Dyaan , Akashic readings, Reiki , Lama fera Grandmaster, Yog maya healing with Satyander Shukla ji . Sir takes morning sessions and it’s hard to join from due to time difference from UK .
We have business in Mauritius, I got the opportunity to stay there more, so I can join his sessions. His tailor made classss are disciplined, inspiring , uplift your soul , full of daily gratitude ,decluttering your thoughts which connects you with divine, and many more .
By practicing these every day , My perspective seeing the world has changed.
I think and react differently. I came out from my comfort zone and take responsibility of my actions . This transformation wouldn’t have been possible without his teachings and zoom
Classes. He gave us so much knowledge selflessly and I personally feel , I cudnt have found better Guru in this life .
This journey is what I did , takes to find out who I am , what is my purpose of life , why i cudnt meditate earlier, my hidden traumas etc. His super connected meditation helped me to connect with my inner self and I can tell more than hundred benefits in five mins . I cudnt meditate even a single minute before I did Lama fera . I had tendency to distract people. Now I won’t miss a day without meditation. The benefits are beyond my expectations.
The most important thing which I learnt is to show gratitude which was missing earlier . It opened my eyes, I feel more happier , positive , more empathy
for less privileged , better relationships and many more . I been embracing more miracles every day and loving every moment of life."
Dr. Pawan Kumar Kashyap
Feeling Graceful.
Thank you so much for Your Guidance & Initiation. Very Memorable Moments with Monastery.

Sunita Mishra, Pune, Aug 2024
Group Healing Miracle मेरी neighbour सुषमा पांडे उन्हे Heart problem है. Unka operation बहुत critical है डॉक्टर ने कहा था. अगर PH level ठीक रहा तो kuch hope हो सक्ती है नहीं तो ऑपरेशन table पर on the spot जा सकती है. Heart sirf 31% काम कर रहा है. ओर heart मे वॉल निकल चुका था isliye blood leakage हो रहा था ओर ऑपरेशन जल्दी करना जरुरी था. फॅमिली बहुत घर गरीब होने के कारण financial कंडिशन ठीक नही है हमने ट्रस्टी से पैसा लिया और सब लोगो ने मिलकर ऑपरेशन का खर्च उठाया. Sir se ग्रुप healing शुरू किया ओर Sir ne morning session उन्हे attend करने कहा. इस कारण उन्हे बहुत पॉझिटिव्ह फिलिंग आणे लगी. Ph level टेस्ट normal आया. फिर enjiography hui वह भी normal report आयी.कल 4 p.m. उनकी heart surgery Hui. मैने Sir को मेसेज किया Sir अपना ओर साई बाबा का आशीर्वाद banaye रखिये 8 baje operation comple हुया aaj सूबह hosh आया व्हेंटिलेटर hataya. सब kuch normal है. BP , pluse, Heart rate everything is normal. Doctor surprised बोले बहुत rare cases hote है जो body itani jaldi normal react करती है. जो डॉक्टर garantee nahi दे रहे थे उनके चेहरे पर भी miracle की खुशी दिखाई दे रही है. मगर मेरा मन पहले से जान रहा था की Sir healing से चमत्कार करेंगे Hospital जाणे के पहले Sir आपने जो मुझे साईबाबा की विभूती दी थी वही मैने उनके heart पर लगा दीं ओर साई बाबा से प्रार्थना की. Sir आप का ओर हमारी ग्रुप healing team का मैं आपने तहे दिलं से धन्यवाद कहना चाहती हुं. Thank U Sir. Thank u healing team. Thank U Sai Baba. Thank U Universe.
Asmita Waghmare, Pune
Good morning Sir and all friends. I have completed one month with Lama fera family. I am happy to share that on today's day I have received attunement and Lama master training from Sir and Revati ma'am. At the end of workshop sir has given me the target of losing 5 kg in a month considering my over weight at that point of time and today I am glad to share that almost 5.5 kg weight loss I have achieved in 1 month with naturopathy diet and by following the golden rules provided by Sir. Initially I was 73.8 kg when I checked my weight on 9th of march and now (08/04/23) I am 68.8 kg. Also there was lot of under eye darkness was there, just because of following the given instructions I could see remarkable difference in lightning of dark circles too, my skin became healthy, healed and glowing. All this was possible only because of the focus which made me to strive to achieve my goal given by Sir. Strong determination towards the goal is very essential this is was what I have learnt from Sir🙏 My whole hearted credit goes to sir for making me capable. I have no words to elaborate the level of my happiness since I could see remarkable difference and achievements in small span of time in my professional as well personal life. From bottom of my heart I thank you Sir🙏for showing and shaping my path. I also thank to Revati ma'am for her support🙏 . I thank to my family all friends. Thank you My Lord Buddha, My divine for blessings me with lot of happiness, good health and wellness.
Reena Karulkar, Pune
Hello Divine Friends
Name : Reena Karulkar,
Age : 16 at heart
Profession : Pune Branch Head, with Mohwak International. (Carpet Industry), working woman for the past 30 yrs.
Married : Yes, for the last 27 yrs with Mr. Vivek Karulkar.
Kid : Yes, Miss. Stutee Karulkar, 23 yrs old daughter, in UK, just completed her Master's in Advance Immunology.
Health: only bone related issues,like lower spine and tail bone pain past 26 yrs, spur feet , arthritis.
Not taking any medication, because I don't believe in feeding my body with chemicals.
I have visited many orthopaedic and sports doctors, but nothing helped me till I started
my Lama Fera Healing and Kundalini Yoga journey.
I joined on the 5th of June 2023 under the guidance of Dr.Satyendra Shukla.
I am short of words to express my gratitude to respected Sir and The Universe, it's nothing but a miracle.
1. I used to sleep with 3 pillows for the past 20 yrs, just in 3 days of my healing session, I have come down to 1 single pillow, I was in tears that night and my hubby was super excited to see me sleeping with one pillow, thank you Sir and The Universe.
2. On my first day I had told Sir that it would be difficult for me to sit down on the floor , but with patience he said, no worried use as many as cushions u
are comfortable with. While I used to perform Satyanarayan Pooja at home , I would always sit on a small stool and my hubby on the floor, I used to feel very
embarrassed to see myself in that position, but just in 2 days I sat directly on the floor without a cushion to perform my Yoga.I never walked at home without
my home slippers due to spur feet , but now I can walk bare feet , I just couldn't believe myself, my happiness was endless. Once again thank you Sir and The
I can go on and on...But my words will fall short to write about the miracles and blessings I am experiencing from the day I have joined Lama Fera Monastery.
All that I would say is once you enter the Monstery, just surrender yourself without any doubts in mind to Sir and The Universe, they will make rest of our life journey very smooth.
Since I have some personal commitments to attend in the family, for a month now I have taken a break from my Lama Healing.
But I am already MISSING the healing.
Once Again My Heart Felt Thanks to Sir and The Universe for making my life smooth and comfortable.
Harish Sharma, Mumbai
GM Everyone!!
I want to share small breakthroughs i am witnessing in my day to day life.
Since 1st March, i have been diligently doing the following:
1. Manifestation (after waking up and before sleeping).
2. Gratitude every morning.
3. Good morning messages to 5 new people every day.
4. Forgiving others (who i feel have wronged me in the past) and praying for their growth and peace.
Last one week - eating cooked food once a day, alongwith naturopathy diet.
I am glad to share with everyone that I am experiencing high energy throughout the day, energy after coming from work is also very high and i spend evening 30-60 minutes with my 2 high energy kids from 8-9 pm, there is a glow in my face every day, I feel very confident in dealing with professional life, personal life and all my past failure issues.
All this is possible only because of healing, blessings, guidance of Sir.
Each one of you have played a very important role for me as reading all your commitments, sharing of your successes and challenges is very motivating and very inspiring.
Thank you God, Thank you Sir, Thank you all wonderful people.
Prapti Shah, Ahmedabad
Today I'd want to share my personal experience. I was diagnosed with vertigo on February 9th and admitted to the hospital for three days.
The condition persists after discharge, and I can't even stand on my feet for 5 minutes.
If I get, the chakkar begins with the spine and then moves to the brain. So I don't meditate and all that.
On Friday, March 3, I received a message in our Lama fera pariwar group about past life regression .
I called to Revati ma'am and said, "Ma'am, I have this kind of problem, and I wanted to do this session, but I'm in dilemma.
Revati ma'am Gives a too much positivity and told me *Kya Pata Aapke Sare Health Issue Heal Ho* Jaye.
I believe Revati Ma'am Words and completed registration.
Experience About Past Life Session.
As sir, began the session again, i felt fear and told to sir about health issue.
Sir gives me positivity and said nothing to worry and I am with you.
After session Sir, Thrice asked me about my spine issue?
But with our Respected Sir Blessings I peacefully completed session without any trouble.
Sir advised me to observe next 72 hrs miracle happens spine issue gone today i stood on my feet for 30 min without any obstacles.
Brain Vertigo Issue Recovered about 60%.
The most important part of this session for me that Received my all questions answers that I had been seeking for many years and now I understand our Root Chakra Holds Our past birth impression.
I advised everyone to do this kind of session once in their life.
My Heartfelt Gratitude To Our Respected Sir, We all are fortunate to have a mentor like You Sir.
Good morning everyone
I would like to share my story -
I am suffering from a condition called PCOD and because of which may menstrual cycle was irregular, I have many hormonal acnes on my face and also massive hair fall.....because of which i was also mentally stressed....
I am on medication and still I was not seeing any results so, I thought to take healing.
I took my lama fera healing from sir on last Sunday and since then I am feeling more peaceful, energetic and motivated. I couldn't be consistent with my exercise before but now not a single day I have missed my my exercise (cycling and walking ) routine. Along with it I started doing kundalini yoga for 2 times a day, following strict naturopathy diet and meditating for half an hr.
Within only just 1 week of following this powerful lifestyle I am seeing changes in my physical health as well as mental health.
Since last 2 months, I did not get my periods but today I got my periods, i can see the significant progress in my acnes, my skin is more smoother now ......I still remember - what sir said to me while acupressure session "All your pimples will be gone in 1 month. Today is 26th Feb, till 26th March - all acnes on your face will be cured" these powerful healing and divine words of him really changing my life.
I cannot express my gratitude and happiness in words.
Thank you so much sir for healing me and helping me.
I am greatful to the universe that I am a part of a lama fera family now.
Harish Sharma, Mumbai
GM Sir !!
I want to thank you for your commitment and dedication to bring healing and transformation to my life.
I am grateful to God and my wife that I found you !!
I have just recently begum my journey of spirituality and am grateful for your kindness and love.
Thank you and have a great day and powerful life ahead.
Rajeswari Ramesh, School Principal, Pune
Just I want to share my experience.
After attending almost all Friday Zoom session WHAT I ACHIEVED.
My what's app chatting and seeing messages reduced a lot (almost reduced 21 hours).
whole day I am so energetic and peaceful.
My anger and irritation almost Nil.
My day starts 4 am and ends 10.30 pm, still not feeling that much low energy.
I can feel and listen My body, what it is trying to say.
Each and every Friday learning something new and top of this when I am applying these techniques in my day to day life results and feeling is always amazing.
For these all Gratitude to Sir. For his encourage ,advice and blessings.
Gratitude Divine, Nature, Lord Buddha, Reiki maa, Yog maya devi maa, Violet Flame, Sai, Bappa, Mahadev.
Heartfelt Gratitude Guruvar.
Anju Kumari, Pune
Thyroid Cure Testimonials
Dear Pariwar Members,
With the blessings of Guru and Divine, Glad to share the Naturopathy results on Thyroid
*Initial TSH was 18.6 on 8th Jan* and after *one month of strict Naturopathy diet along with recommended Yoga and Lifestyle Changes* along with recommended dosage from Dr., the *current Thyroid is 3.2 within range*.
Thank You God and Thank You Sir for the invaluable incredible knowledge given to us
Heartfelt Gratitude.
Reports Attached for reference.
Yogita Chaudhary, Banglore
Namaste Sir, I have shared this feedback already with you personally but I want to share this with all here.
I learned lamafera healing on December 9, 2022 from Sir and started doing self healing from December 11, 2022
from that day till today i completed 2 months and I also started doing lamafera healing for my husband from January.
I personally observed lots of changes in my health, mindset and emotional balance. I do practice kundalini meditation and
Yoga regularly. I haven't got fever till now however, I used to fall sick every month from my childhood.
I feel more healthy physically and emotionally. I feel more surrendered and determined.
I am still work in progress but I am improving. These are huge changes for me as I used to take homeopathy medicine
every month for cough and cold due to Bangalore weather. My husband as well. He also stopped taking homeopathy medicines
as he has felt the power of lamafera healing and he also is improving in all area of his life.
his company cut many jobs and his salary also been reduced as it happened with all but he is more stable emotionally.
His health is better than before. I started one of studies which i left post delivery of my son.
Thank you so much lord Buddha and Shukla Sir.
I also got one client for distance healing by the blessings of Buddha and Sir....
thank you so much @919822536773 for being my second guru.
Payal Gaikwad, IT professionals, Pune
Feedback on GARBHASANSKAR session
*Garbhasanskar session*
*1 month completed*
I want to thank from the bottom of my heart to Reena mam and Sir for arranging and planning so thoughtful, fun-filled, creative, interactive, effective and interesting sessions for me and my child.
It includes variety of activities such as chanting Gayatri mantras, Chakra mantras, Ram raksha, mahamrityunjay mantra and a very calming meditation at the end.
I am very happy that chanting these mantras is going to create a very positive and divine impact on my baby.
The best part of all the sessions is the emotional and very personal touch that Mam gives while addressing each and every point to me.
I feel very genuine to listen to those points when she tells short and inspiring stories of Hindu mythology and stories with morals and she gives me instructions on what should I have in my diet. I am sure my baby must be enjoying listening to these stories from inside.
The puzzle sessions, brain development activities, writing gratitude points, yoga sessions, pranayam and a lot of other things - I don't think any where else a Garbhasanskar session must be involving so many good points.
Thank you mam for blessing me and my baby with this care and love. Also through you, I am able to get the positive vibes of Monestry which is very important and I don't want to loose it ever.
The "Womb talking" and "Gratitude" session is very interative and through that I can connect with my baby and let him/her know what I am feeling. It's so touching.
Thank you mam. I am really falling short of words to express my gratitude towards the way you are conducting the sessions for me.
Thank you for checking on me if I am doing what you have asked me to do.Thank you for giving me homeworks.
I am sorry there are times I fail to complete my homework but I will do so in the coming sessions without fail.
I am aware about the positive impact these activites are having on my baby.
Looking forward for the coming sessions.
Thank you divine.
Thank you Monestry.
Thank you Sir and Mam for being with me through this journey.
Preeti Mishra, Hinjewadi, Pune
Hello Lama Fera Parivar.
I am Preeti Mishra from Hinjawadi Phase 2.
Today was my luckiest day , have met a Divine, Satyendra Sir.
Guruji you have healed my mind and soul today through Kundalini Meditation and Lama Fera healing.
You erased all the layers of chaos, confusion, sadness forever from my being.
You have washed a peace of river over me Sir.
You have equipped me with a weapon - Kundalini meditation to practice every day, to sustain the flow of your miraculous energy and divine touch.
My words are not enough Sir to express my gratitude to you for a new life you have given me today.
It was an amazing session of Kundalini meditation and Lama Fera, given by Sir.
Before all the healings, I was sitting all restless, disturbed, with tearful eyes.
But after few hours when the therepies and healings were done by Sir, I was so peaceful, calm, like I was never before in so many years.
I pray to Lord May all the restless souls find you Sir and get healed from you.

Author of the Book