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Balance Your Mind, Body and Spirit with

Lama Fera

Explore Ancient Buddhist Healing Energy
For a Holistic Transformation

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About us

Who we are

Welcome to the India's Biggest and First ISO Certified, World Books of Record Holder Lama Fera Healing Centre : LAMA FERA MONASTERY. It is situated in historic city of Pune.

Our Vision : Suicide Free India.

Our Objective : To heal the people to come out of depression, stress, anxiety, stubbornness, suicidal thoughts, negative thinking and addiction thru Lama Fera Healing.

India's First and Biggest, World Books of Record Holder, Lama Fera Monastery @ Pune

Training : . We provide training to other people to spread our vision - Lama Fera Training, Reiki Training, Kundalini yoga and Bodhidhyan Meditation.

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Lama Fera is the world's fastest Healing Technique used by Buddhist Monks in ancient times. ‘Lama’ means Sadguru, an Enlightened Guru of either Religion and ‘‘Fera’’ means the technique of Healing. The system can help increase spiritual abilities, improve the effectiveness of meditation, relieve pain and discomfort caused by chronic diseases, remove unwanted spirits, cleanse buildings, overcome fear, anxiety, stress and mental tensions, improve memory and visualisation, and assist reconnection with the Higher Self.

Lama Fera is highly powerful Healing technique followed by the Buddhist and practiced by the Tibetan Lamas. The word Lama means Disciple of lord Buddha and the word Fera means round or more specifically around the body with the energy of lord Buddha. The Energy of lord Buddha is channeled through the Healer and directed towards disease or illness.

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What Are our Clients Saying About Us

Asmita Waghmare, Pune

Good morning Sir and all friends. I have completed one month with Lama fera family. I am happy to share that on today's day I have received attunement and Lama master training from Sir and Revati ma'am. At the end of workshop sir has given me the target of losing 5 kg in a month considering my over weight at that point of time and today I am glad to share that almost 5.5 kg weight loss I have achieved in 1 month with naturopathy diet and by following the golden rules provided by Sir. Initially I was 73.8 kg when I checked my weight on 9th of march and now (08/04/23) I am 68.8 kg.

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Our Address

Lama Fera Monastery, Plot no 19, Lane 2, Vasant Park, Near DPS School, Mohammadwadi, Pune - 60

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8484023530 / 9850519111

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